Alpha Phi – Epsilon Alpha Chapter
Alpha Phi International Fraternity was founded in 1872 at Syracuse University. As a part of Alpha Phi, the Epsilon Chapter at Ashland University creates well-rounded leaders, fosters positive change and development and is dedicated to improving and embodying their four core values:
- Character
- Generosity
- Innovation
- Sisterhood

Background Information
Headquartered in Denver CO, Alpha Phi continues to flourish throughout the United States and Canada. Each year, the Alpha Phi Foundation awards more than $150,000 in scholarships to both undergraduate and graduate Alpha Phis.
The Epsilon Alpha chapter makes a charitable impact by raising money through events like Mr. University and the Red Dress Gala. Proceeds are sent to the Alpha Phi Foundation, a philanthropic organization created by the Alpha Phi Fraternity. The foundation was created as a trust to award grants specifically for scholarship and cardiac aid.
Students who join Alpha Phi establish and maintain connections that last long after graduation. For example, as a result of networking with Alpha Phi alumnae, Alpha Phis may find themselves interning across the country in prestigious locations, such as public relations firms in L.A., fashion marketing companies in New York and Chicago, Fortune 500 companies in several states and more.
The Alpha Phi creed reads, “I believe in my fraternity. I believe in its high ideals which lift me up beyond myself.” The Alpha Phi mission statement reads, “Alpha Phi is a sisterhood of women supporting one another in lifelong achievement.” At Ashland University, the Epsilon Alpha chapter strives to embody these two truths every day.
Quick Facts
- Nickname: APhi
- Colors: Silver and Bordeaux
- Symbols: Ivy Leaf and Phi Bear
- Philanthropy: Alpha Phi Foundation
- Installed at Ashland University: April 15, 1967
- Open Motto: "Union Hand in Hand"
- Office: Alpha Phi Suite, 5th floor of Clark Hall
Campus Programs & Philanthropy Events
- Mac & Phi's
- Red Dress Gala
- Cardiac Care Week
- Mr. University
Awards & Honors
Ashland University Greek Honors
- Excellence in Community Service
Regional/International Awards
- Excellence in Facility Occupancy
- Most Improved Recruitment